Module Matching

module Matching: sig .. end
Functions used to match candidates.

type result = (bool * int * int) list 
The return type of matching functions. If it succeeded Some l, a list of terms (match, start, stop) that denotes substring of the candidates that are matched or not.

Matching function

val match_query : candidate:string -> string -> result option
val set_match_query_fun : (candidate:string -> string -> result option) -> unit

Predefined matching functions

NB: for the following functions the default value of case is true.
val subset : ?case:bool -> candidate:string -> string -> result option
subset ?case ~candidate query will match if query (interpreded as a set of characters) is a subset of candidate (interpreted as a set of chars again).
val partial_match : ?case:bool -> candidate:string -> string -> result option
partial_match ?case ~candidate sub will return Some _ if sub is a substring of candidate, None otherwise..
val match_prefix : ?case:bool -> candidate:string -> string -> result option
val fuzzy_match : ?case:bool -> candidate:string -> string -> result option
fuzzy_match ?case ~candidate pattern tries to find the letters of pattern in candidate (in the right order).

For example:

val fuzzy_prefix : ?case:bool -> candidate:string -> string -> result option
Same as fuzzy_match except that the first letter in pattern must be the first letter of candidate.