Module Completion

module Completion: sig .. end
Completion engine

This is the interface of the completion engine.

The completion engine works with Completion.sources that returns Completion.candidates. See Completion.state_machine

type candidate = <
   completion : string; (*The string to use when this candidate is completed*)
   display : string; (*The string that should be displayed for the candidate*)
   doc : string; (*A "documentation" string that will be printed on the right of the candidate if the window takes more than 1 line.*)
   matching_function : string -> Matching.result option; (*How to tell if the candidate is matching the current input.*)
   real : string; (*The string that will be printed out if this candidate is picked*)
A candidate, as returned by sources
val mk_candidate : display:string ->
real:string ->
completion:string ->
doc:string ->
matching_function:(string -> Matching.result option) -> candidate
A constructor


The underlying representations of sources.

See Sources for some predefined sources and sources builders.

type 'a source = {
   delay : bool; (*Should we wait for a delay before computing candidates ?*)
   default : 'a; (*Default value for the state*)
   compute : 'a -> string -> 'a * candidate list; (*computes takes the current state, the string before/after the cursor and returns the new state along with a list of candidate*)
type ex_source = 
| S : 'a source -> ex_source (*Existential closure of Completion.source*)
type source_state = 
| ST : 'a * 'a source -> source_state


type state_machine = {
   ex_sources : ex_source Lazy.t list;
   transition : < display : string; real : string > -> state_machine;
A completion state machine: a list of current source and a way to get the next sources depending on the current input.
val empty : state_machine
The state machine that does not offer any completion
val singleton : ex_source Lazy.t -> state_machine
val singleton' : ex_source -> state_machine
Offers the argument for completion once and then do not provide any completion
val iterate : ex_source Lazy.t list -> state_machine
iterate sources offers completions from sources, indefinitely.
val concat : state_machine ->
state_machine -> state_machine
Concatenates two machines. The first one is considered done when it returns [].
val sum : ex_source ->
(< display : string; real : string > -> state_machine) ->
Dependant sum.


type state = {
   before_cursor : string;
   after_cursor : string;
   sources : (candidate list * source_state) list;
   before_matches : (candidate * Matching.result) list;
   after_matches : (candidate * Matching.result) list;
   entries : (state_machine * string * string) list;
   separator : string;
   program : state_machine;
The state of the completion engine
val make_state : ?sep:string -> state_machine -> state
make_state ?sep machine initialize the machine; sep will be used to mark the end of a selection and the transition to the next sources (i.e. next state of the automata).

The default value of sep is a space.

val add_string : string -> state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user pressing a character

Edition commands

val cursor_left : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user going left
val cursor_right : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user going right
val left : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the candidate on the left
val right : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the candidate on the right
val pageup : ((candidate * Matching.result) list ->
(candidate * Matching.result) list *
(candidate * Matching.result) list) ->
state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the first non visible candidate on the left. It expects a functions that given a list of candidate returns the list of the candidate visible on the screen and the rest.
val pagedown : ((candidate * Matching.result) list ->
(candidate * Matching.result) list *
(candidate * Matching.result) list) ->
state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the first non visible candidate on the right
val remove : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user removing the character to the right of the cursor
val complete : state -> state
Computes the new state corresponding to the user completing the entry