Module Sources

module Sources: sig .. end

type t = Completion.ex_source 

Predefined sources and sources builder

val files : ?filter:(string -> bool) -> string -> t
A source that completes filenames in a given directory (or absolute filenames).
val from_list : (string * string * string) list -> t
val from_list_rev : (string * string * string) list -> t
A source built from a list (display, real, documentation). See Completion.candidate for more information about these.
val from_list_ : string list -> t
val from_list_rev_ : string list -> t
A source built from a list of candidates (display and real are the same, doc is empty).
val csum : (string * Completion.state_machine Lazy.t) list -> Completion.state_machine
Simple case of dependant sum
val binaries : t
A source that list all the binaries in your PATH.
val switch : ((string -> bool) * t Lazy.t) list -> t
switch guards is a source that behaves like one of the sources in guards. To know what it source it behave like, it applies the predicate to the input and uses the first matching source.
val empty : t
The empty source.
val paths : coupled_with:t -> t
A source that complete like coupled_with except when what is before the cursor is (syntactically) a path, i.e. start with "/", "~/", or "./"
val stdin : ?sep:string -> unit -> t
A source that reads its elements off stdin. If separator is not supplied, then there is a candidate per line and the real and display fields of the candidate is the same. If it is supplied, then lines are split wrt it and the first part is used as the display and the second part as the real