Index of values

add_string [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user pressing a character

binaries [Sources]
A source that list all the binaries in your PATH.

chromium_bookmarks [Extra_sources]
Offers completion on bookmarks names, and returns the bookmark url.
complete [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user completing the entry
concat [Completion]
Concatenates two machines.
csum [Sources]
Simple case of dependant sum
current_playlist [Extra_sources.Mpc]
List songs currently in the playlist.
cursor_left [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user going left
cursor_right [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user going right

default_conf [Dmlenu]

empty [Sources]
The empty source.
empty [Completion]
The state machine that does not offer any completion

files [Sources]
A source that completes filenames in a given directory (or absolute filenames).
from_file [Extra_sources]
from_file filename creates a source from the lines in $HOME/.config/dmlenu/filename (each line in this file is a candidate)
from_list [Sources]
from_list_ [Sources]
from_list_rev [Sources]
A source built from a list (display, real, documentation).
from_list_rev_ [Sources]
A source built from a list of candidates (display and real are the same, doc is empty).
fuzzy_match [Matching]
fuzzy_match ?case ~candidate pattern tries to find the letters of pattern in candidate (in the right order).
fuzzy_prefix [Matching]
Same as fuzzy_match except that the first letter in pattern must be the first letter of candidate.

i3_workspaces [Extra_sources]
List of existing i3 workspaces.
iterate [Completion]
iterate sources offers completions from sources, indefinitely.

left [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the candidate on the left

make_state [Completion]
make_state ?sep machine initialize the machine; sep will be used to mark the end of a selection and the transition to the next sources (i.e.
match_prefix [Matching]
match_query [Matching]
mk_candidate [Completion]
A constructor

pagedown [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the first non visible candidate on the right
pageup [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the first non visible candidate on the left.
partial_match [Matching]
partial_match ?case ~candidate sub will return Some _ if sub is a substring of candidate, None otherwise..
paths [Sources]
A source that complete like coupled_with except when what is before the cursor is (syntactically) a path, i.e.
playlists [Extra_sources.Mpc]
List of mpc playlists.

remove [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user removing the character to the right of the cursor
right [Completion]
Computes the new state corresponding to the user selecting the candidate on the right
run [Dmlenu]
run initial_state conf creates the window and handles user inputs.
run_list [Dmlenu]
Same as but returns the list of completed tokens.

set_match_query_fun [Matching]
singleton [Completion]
singleton' [Completion]
Offers the argument for completion once and then do not provide any completion
stdin [Sources]
A source that reads its elements off stdin.
stm_from_file [Extra_sources]
stm_from_file f starts by offering candidates returned by from_file f, once a candidate x has been selected, it will behave as stm_from_file (f ^ x).
subset [Matching]
subset ?case ~candidate query will match if query (interpreded as a set of characters) is a subset of candidate (interpreted as a set of chars again).
sum [Completion]
Dependant sum.
switch [Sources]
switch guards is a source that behaves like one of the sources in guards.